Two medieval houligans near parade at Renaissance Faire in Connecticut

Meet 16th Century Houligans at the Renaissance Faire

The Renaissance, meaning “rebirth” in French, was a time in European history beginning in Italy in the late 14th century and gradually spreading throughout Europe into the early 17th century. It was a cultural and intellectual movement influenced by the classical Greek and Roman philosophies which sent ripples of change through all parts of society. …

Lighted deer figures in woods looking to the lit stars

Holiday Displays Light Up the Season

Hubbard Park, listed on the National Register of Historic Places, draws thousands of visitors each year with its Silver Festival of Lights. This spectacular outdoor display, held from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day, showcases over 500,000 lights and hundreds of lighted characters found throughout the park. These displays can be found decorating buildings, floating on …

Barn in a Flower Garden

On a warm, summer day, when this image was taken, the garden beside the old barn was abloom with tall, colorful groupings of flowers that seemed to encircle the building and everyone who walked along its gravel paths. This scene is one that artists seeking nature’s inspirations would have been drawn to, eager to linger …

Red lutung resting on a tree limb contemplating the future

Peaceful Moment

The Bronx Zoo is one of the largest zoos in the United States and the largest metropolitan zoo in the country. Open in 1899 with 843 animals in 22 exhibits, it is now home to 6,000 animals and over 700 different species. This is an ebony langur, or lutung, whose native lands are the islands …

Large American flag waving between 2 trees in Vermont during summer

Green Mountain Pride

This image was taken on a recent trip to Manchester, Vermont, a picturesque town nestled in the Green Mountains, a range that extends north to south approximately 250 miles from the border of Massachusetts to Quebec, Canada. It basks in the shadow of Mount Equinox, ranked the 13th highest state peak of 3,840 feet. As …


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