
Photo Named “Judge’s Choice” from almost 400 Images

Today was the 2020 TOPS IN CONNECTICUT Photo Competition, an event happening only every two years sponsored by the Connecticut Association of Photographers (CAP). My image, Looking Back, was chosen as one of the three Judge’s Choice Awards. There were 392 entries by 84 Connecticut photographers.Judges were highly respected photographers from out-of-state (Washington, Arizona and …

Small Stones Festival of the Arts gallery

Tune In to Online Photo & Art Presentation and Awards

This year’s 2020 Small Stones Festival of the Arts is taking the show online so everyone can safely enjoy all the beautiful photography and art work. Although nothing can compare to hundreds of creative artists in Grafton’s grand hall, it’s exciting to be online because the festival will have plenty of space to showcase all …

Accepted Entries for 2020 Small Stones Festival of the Arts

2020 Small Stones Festival of the Arts Accepts Three Images

Three images I submitted to the 2020 Small Stones Festival of the Arts were selected by a panel of three fine art photography judges to be published in their hardcover catalog. Only 29% of the 500 submissions were accepted for publication. These images will also be exhibited and judged for the festival’s top awards. For …

Comet Neowise photo appears in local newspapers and social media

Capturing the Comet Neowise was truly a once-in-a-lifetime moment. The plan was to drive to an area of the state without too much distracting light to improve our chances to catch the comet. After several hours, we were rewarded when a distant, streak of white appeared in the distance. You could barely see it with …

PSA The Photo Traveler Magazine front cover, and article by Colleen B. Reilly. 2020 Summer

“Shoreline Zen” Appears in PSA Photo Traveler

Founded in 1934, the Photographic Society of America (PSA) is a worldwide organization for those interested in photography. Its members in over 80 countries include casual shutterbugs, serious amateurs, and professional photographers. The Photo Traveler is a quarterly publication dedicated to the interests and education of travel photography and showcasing the images and stories of …

3 Amish children going to Sunday services look out of back window of buggy

“Looking Back” Accepted into OSI International Exhibition

Photographers from around the world were invited to submit digital images to the 2020 Ocean State International (OSI) Exhibition of Photography, a juried show sanctioned by the Photographic Society of America (PSA). They received over 1,000 images from 256 photographers from 20 states and 25 countries. Only 30% of entries were accepted. It is with …

PSA The Photo Traveler Magazine front cover, and article by Colleen B. Reilly. 2020 Spring

“Flattop Mountain Sunset” Appears in PSA Photo Traveler

Founded in 1934, the Photographic Society of America (PSA) is a worldwide organization for those interested in photography. Its members in over 80 countries include casual shutterbugs, serious amateurs, and professional photographers. The Photo Traveler is a quarterly publication dedicated to the interests and education of travel photography and showcasing the images and stories of its …

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